Time is flying by! You are 8 months old as of 11/25/11. You have changed so much in this last month!
- You wear size 3 Target brand diapers
- You are in 9 month Carter's clothes
- You have gotten TWO teeth on the bottom, but you refuse to let us look at them.
- You love to stand up on our ottomans, you are so proud of yourself!
- You put your paci in like it is just no big deal! Such a BIG boy!
- You were sleeping horribly... we went to Bend for Thanksgiving and you were up a lot. We did a modified cry it out (let you cry for 10 minutes, reassure you, do it again and again. Finally you put yourself to sleep and slept until 4am. I nursed you and you slept again till 7am.
- You generally take two 1.5 hour naps a day in your CRIB!! Sometimes, you will take a 45 minute nap in your swing in the late afternoon.
- You are nurse 5 times during the day and 1 time in the night. You eat 3-4 solid meals a day. You love drinking water out of a sippy cup with a straw!
- You started eating puffs! Cutest. Thing. Ever!!
- You have started to wave hi and bye!