Erik & Becca

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I am about five months postpartum. My hair is falling out in clumps. When on earth does this stop? Please don't tell me I have to get pregnant again...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jumpin Jumpin...

The kid loves the jumperoo! He likes to turn himself around to look at talk to the bookshelves. Those are obviously more exciting than the cool bird and frog hanging in front of him. He does pretty well for about fifteen minutes! (In fifteen minutes, I can clean the bathroom, empty the dishwasher, wipe down the kitchen... this is precious time!)

Goodbye Swing...

Dear My Little Sung-a-Bunny Fisher Price Swing,

I have deeply appreciated the long naps you have given Luke. Your warm embrace is priceless. We moved you out of Luke's room yesterday. I almost cried. Mostly, I was fearful of not having you part of our everyday life. Our first day without you was actually really rough. I was a bit edgy all day, doubting whether or not we could nap without you. The first three naps were horrible. There were lots of tears (no, we did not let Luke cry it out, but he were upset after every nap!) In the late afternoon, the heavens opened, and Luke slept for TWO HOURS in his crib. I was praising God for this milestone. So, Snug-a-Bunny, we say farewell. You will not be in the closet for too long (but don't worry, long enough), because the next little one will most likely find you just as comfortable. Except, we probably won't let our next child sleep in you several hours a day...



Monday, August 1, 2011

4 Month Update


Luke, you are getting so big! Here are your stats from your well check up on 7/29/11:

You weigh 14 lbs 4.5 oz and are 24.5 inches long.

You still nurse exclusively (except for the occasional bottle that daddy gives you so I can sleep!) every three hours during the day. You have gone through a bit of a bump in the road in regards to sleeping. You get up twice a night to eat... although you really are not that hungry the second time I come in so we will be trying to eliminate that feeding. You sleep 7pm-7am with two night wakings.

Just this last weekend we decided it was time for you to stop napping in your swing. (ouch!) Up until this point you have only taken a 45 minute nap in your crib (you wake up in between sleep cycles). Saturday, you took an hour and 15 minute nap in your crib and today you took an hour and a half nap in it!

We got the okay from Dr. M to start solids! We started with rice cereal... you were not that big of fan.
Even though you didn't love it, we still got a smile out of you!

After two nights of rice cereal, I decided to add in some avacado. You liked this a lot better. I will stick with avacado for 4 days or so to make sure you do not have a reaction. You look a little silly being only in a diaper in your highchair!

You still wear Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers, but they are giving you diaper rash. I am trying to stick it out and continue them... We have resorted to a disposable at night.

-you laughed for the first time... adorable!
-you are alert and notice everything around you.
-you think clapping is really funny!
-I started working from home (10 hours a week)
-I stopped napping all the time :-)
-You are now in a convertible car seat (Britax Advocate CS)
-You are working on rolling over; you get to your side pretty easily!

Honestly, as each month goes by I fall more and more in love with you. I am so grateful that God chose me to be your mama! You are such a joy!! We are in a good rhythm and I am getting back into the swing of things with working out, devotionals, cleaning, and cooking :-)