Erik & Becca

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Passport Frenzy

Erik and I went to apply for our marriage license yesterday. That was an interesting process. It only took like ten minutes and we are among many other young couples doing the same thing. When we went to pay the $55 we were talking about changing my last name. I got a passport when I was 16 to go on the many mission trips to Mexico. The lady was telling me to just wait and renew my passport and change my name instead of buying a whole new one. She asked me what my expiration date on my passport was so I pulled it out (thinking you might need another source of ID to get married, but just need your license) and it said FEBRUARY 17, 2007. In the middle of the county offices, I started crying. I cried hard enough to make Erik finish the talking. She was so sweet but told me I probably would have to drive to Seattle to get one because the normal time is 10-12 weeks. We are leaving in 4 1/2...

Erik said he is happy to smuggle me into the country if that makes it possible for him to attend his honeymoon. : ) So after work today, I will check on expediting it (possibly TWO weeks).

Let's pray that works...

At least this is the only malfunction thus far!!!!


Anonymous said...

Becca -

You poor thing!

I don't know if you found this info already but here is the number to call to set up an appointment in Seattle:

SEATTLE Passport Agency
Henry Jackson Federal Building
915 Second Avenue
Suite 992
Seattle, WA 98174-1091
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays
Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778

Also, until Sept. 30, the US is NOT requiring a passport to re-enter the country from Mexico. They will only require proof that you applied for one plus your id. As long as you apply for your passport, you should be ok. See link:

BUT, if you want to be safe, get the expedited passport through Seattle. When I was in Mexico last year without a passport (I had a certified birth certificate and driver's license), the Mexican agent harrassed me and said I needed a passport to ENTER Mexico, even if I didn't need one to get back into the US at the time. UGH!! He let me in but it was not worth the stress of possibly being denied entry INTO Mexico.

All that said, technically right now you shouldn't need a passport to enter the US from Mexico but it is probably worth it to get one.

Best of luck!


Becca said...


Thank you so much! Seriously, that made my day. You are the sweetest thing ever...

I went to do that expedited thing and it cost like $160 to expedite it. She said that it wont be here in time but then I can use the fact that I have reapplied for it... with my drivers license... So, fewwwwww...

I went to go get it and of course forgot my divers license then I got my passport pictures at Costco and they didnt tell me I could not wear a headband so I had to go retake my pictures then finally send it off...

Then as soon as we are married I have to get a new passport anyway (name change)... Oh the life....

Your info was perfect. Thank you soooo much.

: )

Thank you again, I hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

Becca, what a day you had yesterday....good thing you found out this early but I can still understand your panic about the whole thing. I just read Shauna's comment and sounds like some great advise. I hope the rest of your week is better (how can it get worse, huh?)

Grandma Nancy

Becca said...

Thanks Grandma Nancy...

It is looking up from here... I think I am still adjusting to being home and planning and working and and and and.... : )

Tarah said...

you are family, call her Grammy!!
:) Shauna is full of great advice. I call daily just to hear it. :)