Erik & Becca

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Am I Normal?

How much sleep do you all need? I feel a bit ridiculous... I have a three month old, who most nights only wakes up ONCE for a quick feed! Although I do have issues falling asleep (takes me a while), I go to bed at a reasonable time (Between 9 and 10) and wake up at 7. It is really hard for me to fall BACK asleep after I feed Luke. This SHOULD be enough sleep for your average person, right?? I have been taking TWO naps a day while Luke naps. Can I blame this on nursing? The interrupted sleep? Could I still just be REALLY behind from an exhausting birth experience? HELP!

How many of you mamas nap when you kids nap? I am not complaining, but it makes weekends so hard because I want to spend all my awake time with my dear hubby. I have always needed a lot of sleep... I just want to LIVE LIFE and not sleep it away!

Luke, two days old in the hospital... sleeping...


Kerry said...

Oh I did exactly the same thing for the first 5mths after Liam was born, it's getting better now but I felt like I was sleeping my life away and STILL tired!! Then I would be so behind in everything and usually in my pj's most of the day :) You're normal lol cause if you aren't, then that means I'm not either ;)

Jackie Koll said...

I think everyone is differant - to me, sleep is over rated :-) HA I always used my boys nap times as time to get things done but, I'm weird like that ;-) Even now that my boys are sleeping all night, my husband has a job that gets us up in the middle of night so there is still those breaks in my sleep. So . .. if you feel sleepy, sleep :-) (Commenting from Jenna's Journey)

Mrs. Confident said...

Hi! I am here from the blog hop, but I just (ok, 7 months ago...flies by!) had a baby. The nursing thing really bothered my sleep patterns, too. I think I napped with the baby until he started sleeping through the night which was around the 3 month mark for us. He was a HUGE baby (almost 9 pounds) so he slept for a long time simply b/c he had enough weight. Hope that it gets better for you soon! Enjoy each moment b/c it flies by! Cute blog!


Jenna said...

I don't nap because I feel awful when I wake up - but if it weren't for that I SO would! I'm tired all of the time too!! I think it's from being a mom - our brains are constantly going, thinking a million things a minute and I think it wears us out! =)

Janelle said...

Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. My son is almost two and I still take naps with him. I feel like even when I do sleep (my son is a horrible sleeper) I don't sleep as well, because I am always expecting him to wake up. So naps save me.

Becca said...

Thanks for all the comments :-) I felt like I was the only one... He sleeps so great at night; 7-5:30 and 5:45-7:30 usually. I think that is STTN at his age... Oh the life. Once I begin to feel rested I am sure I will have another one... oh the joys!

The Munchkins Mama said...

My 5 month old is not sleeping. And I have a 2 year old so odd nap times don't work for me. I'm exhausted too. You are not alone.

Emily said...

Stopping in from Jenna's!

I think that is just called being a mom. We can never get enough sleep.. hee hee!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Cory said...

I always sleep when my kids do. I NEVER use the time they are asleep for silly house chores. Ha! And I have always cherished my sleep time, I like lots of it, but can definately hop to if I need to. I would say you are normal, but if you still feel that way in a couple months you might want to get your thyroid checked. It can sometimes go crazy after having a baby. That happened to me. :/ Great blog you have here. I identified right away, with the sleep issues. Ha! :)

Jennifer said...

I feel like I never sleep. Our baby girl sleeps so good, but I am always up late at night catching up and cleaning during nap time... I think I'd drive myself crazy with a messy house and a to-do list that didn't get finished if I did it any other way :)

Jennifer said...

I feel like I never sleep. Our baby girl sleeps so good, but I am always up late at night catching up and cleaning during nap time... I think I'd drive myself crazy with a messy house and a to-do list that didn't get finished if I did it any other way :)

Anonymous said...

stopping by from Jenna's. You are so normal I still want to take naps sometimes but it doesnt always happen:)