You are almost ONE YEAR OLD! How did that happen? I cannot believe I say this every month to you... I fall in love with you and enjoy you more every single day. You are the sweetest boy!
This is what you are up to:
- Wear size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes from Carters (they are a little big still!) a size 3 shoe
- You weigh around 19 pounds (not sure how long you are!)
- For the first time in ELEVEN months, you slept through the night! (7pm to 630am) I was literally thanking God all day long!
- You are consistently taking two naps a day. (one around 930 am and 130pm) You wake up after an hour, so in the afternoon I put you in your swing and you sleep for at least an extra hour. (Do they make swings for toddlers???)
- You are night weaned! We worked on this last week. Daddy would come in your room when you woke up and offer you a sippy cup of water. You will wake up once a night and he goes in and holds you and offers you the water. I think he enjoys this snuggle time and you are totally okay with this (before you only wanted to nurse!) I think this was because you were ready! I am SO thankful we didn't really have to do much cry it out. Now that you are not nursing at night, you are sleeping a lot better. I do really miss those cuddle times at night, but I cannot believe how good sleep feels!
- You still nurse 4 times a day... I am not sure when we will wean; if you wean yourself (before you are 18 of course), or if I will nudge you along. I had no idea how much we would both love this experience.
- You have started walking! You are getting more confident each day... You have taken up to 20 ish steps at a time but you will not start on your own.
- We gave you a baby doll and you have started giving her kisses. It is SO adorable! Then you will give us kisses. It. Melts. My. Heart.
- You are a TOTAL mama's boy (yes, I secretly love this even if it means I have NO space!) We are working on you playing by yourself for times throughout the day.
- You absolutely love your Grandpa. We went to Bend a few weekends ago and you reached for him and cried when we were leaving. It is so special that you will have this incredible relationship.
- Everyday when Daddy gets home and we hear the garage door you get really excited. You squeal with delight when he comes home.
- You have two more teeth on the top. This has been rough this month. You have been chewing on your fingers, making them raw... We are encouraging a paci.
- You finally need a haircut. We want that hair to keep sticking up on its own, so without gel, we think it might need to be shorter :-) Plus, your hair is past your ears!
This is what happened when we tried to lay you down next to your giraffe... You love to be on the move!
think I will do a 12 month update and then be done with the updates... I am keeping a baby book, and email account for you, and making a yearly book for you so I need to narrow this process down!
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