Erik & Becca

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All Moved!

Hello Everyone!

It has been a bit since I posted. Well, we are all moved in! I will post pictures later in the week (I am way too tired to get off the couch tonight). Our apartment looks fabulous. Chuck, Debbie, and Lisa all came two weekends ago and helped us make the trek from the parking lot up an elevator down a really long hallway into our one bedroom apartment. It looks so great. Lisa unpacked most of the kitchen, the men did the manly things, and Debbie did a great great great job at decorating! It looks like a professional has been here!

Last weekend was my best friend's wedding. Erik was the best man for Eddie and I was a bridesmaid for Laura. The ceremony was beautiful. They are in Maui this week celebrating their honeymoon. I cannot wait till I can hear all their wonderful stories! They are actually moving in one door down from our apartment.

Last week I also started my student teaching in a first grade classrooom. I have almost completed 40 hours. That experience has made me think hard about what I am supposed to do, called to do, and truly want to do in life. I think I am trying to make myself like teaching because of all the benefits. Oh my gosh, I knew it was hard, but it is HARD. I am not sure where I am called. This year at OSU kind of seems wasteful if I am not going to be a teacher.

I already have a degree a B.S. in Human Services but I am not really sure where that will get me...

Does anyone have any advice about this? : )

How did you all decide what to do before all those babies came along? Or if you dont have kids, how did you know what to do??

Okay, I promise to post the pictures, they are SOOO cute!

Chuck and Debbie are coming this weekend, and I think (hoping!!) Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Chan will come the next weekend!?!?!?!?!



Tarah said...

You cannot have grammy and papa, I am doing a HUGE fundraiser and they have to come! I call dibs!!!!
I am glad you have a fun place. Any couches for us to come visit? You know- all 5 of us?? Hee hee
Hope all is well!
OH, I did massage school so I could do what I loved. I LOVE having clients excited to see me, and I only work 8-12 hours a week and make the same if not more than when I was 40 hours at MRI... :) go for what you LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Becca! I like what Tarah said about doing what you LOVE. It's great to be a financial support to your family before kids enter the picture. My "problem" was I just wanted to be a wife and mama. So before kids came along, I chose work that wouldn't make me too wasted to serve and support Ryan. That was the most important factor when I looked for jobs (I wasn't looking for a career, since I knew I'd stay home with kids). Now I'm doing what I LOVE, being a help to Ryan and caring for my kiddos. Doesn't get much better than that! Ryan was a third grade teacher for a couple years. Yes, it's hard - but when it's YOUR class, I'm sure it's easier than half-way taking over as a student teacher.

Becca said...

Thank you both!! Katie, that is what I want to do be a mom and wife : ) so what was your job before the kiddos came along?

Tarah, my hands would get so sore! hehe. Yes, we have couches. One big one and one love seat. No extra beds though. If we move enough furniture around there is a lot of floor space ; ) haha

Hope you both have a great day you two, and thank you so much. This is kind of a weird process because I feel stuck. I know God will guide me and lead me, but I am just not sure where yet...

Anonymous said...

Becca, what's your email address? I might write a book here in your comments if I get started!

Anonymous said...

By the way...Tarah does an amazing job taking care of her family WHILE ALSO supplementing their income with massage. I don't know how she does it!

Becca said...

its : ) I would love any advice....

my sister told me to just finish my degree because it is not hurting me being in school, only time.... she said it is better anyway to have two degrees even if I do not use it.

you are right about Tarah... my mom always found things to do but stayed home. STROnG WOMEN! I think if I had strong enough hands, massaging would be awesome!! : ) I am hoping to find something like that so I can help out with support. A lot of women find things they can do do help financially.

Tarah said...

I see my name in too many posts!:)
Becca, I say, why not finish your degree. Your sister is right- just time... If you want to stay home when the babes are little... But if you have a degree and and keep current with credits, you could teach when they are in school!
I would love to stay home like KT, but we just don't have the priveledge of this. I must admit- two hours out a night is fun. I like having something that is mine and knowing I am contributing where it is needed. (plus, my kids go to bed at 7 and I usually leave at 6:30 or 7...) It is hard in the christian world to hear that you "should" stay home, but know that food needs to be on the table too!
If you find something you love, you can always go back to that at a later time.
Lots of love

Becca said...

I think your massage thing is great. If I could find something like that, I would! I am sure the two hours out is a rewarding thing because you get to contribute but you also get a little "break" even though it is work... you get the best of both worlds! : )

I know about the whole Christian world thing... that is a hard "stereotype"

thanks tarah for all the advice. : )

have a great day with those little ones.